Kajal Pashmi - State Farm


We recently chatted with our friend and client Kajal Pashmi, the owner of a State Farm insurance agency in San Francisco to learn more about her work and her journey to get to where she is today. Read on to learn more about Kajal.

1.Tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way to this business/passion.

When Market crashed in 2006, I was a full time student working part time at Countrywide as an in-house loan officer. It was devastating to witness the economic downturn and its negative implications for both newly homeowners and loan officers. In 2006 I received my B.A in Business Management and decided that I would start a business. I was looking for stability and entrepreneurship and so I decided to start my own insurance agency. I love what I do and I’m passionate about educating my clients on risk management and asset preservation.

2. What excites you most about your business/industry?

Innovation. State Farm is testing commercial drone technology to respond more efficiently to clients in catastrophic situations such as the devastating fire we had in Northern California in 2017. This is one of many ways that State Farm is keeping their promise to be the best in the industry and lead by example. This is all exciting to me, I am representing State Farm and I know they keep their promise to continue to be ahead of the game and offer their clients top of the line technology with their clients in mind.

3. What character trait do you see most common in yourself and fellow entrepreneurs/business leaders?
Enthusiasm. Passion for what they do and an incredible ability to overcome obstacles.

4. What virtue do you value the most in your team members?
Commitment and drive.

5. What advice would you give your younger self?
Do not lose sleep over the small details. Everything will work out.

6. Living business visionary you’d like to share a cup of coffee with?
Carly Fiorina simply because she was the first female CEO in Silicon Valley.

7. What is one strategy you’ve seen work when growing your business?
Having multiple long term as well as short term marketing strategies in place.

Lightning Round, Answer with the first thing that comes to mind

Coffee or Tea? Coffee

Michelin Star Restaurant or BBQ? Both

Would you describe yourself as more of a Beyoncé or an Adele? Beyoncé

Personal hero? Martin Luther King

Last good book you read, show you watched, record you listened to, or movie you consumed?

  • Book I read: Letters to young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

  • Record I listened to: This is Gorillaz

  • Movie: Dead Poets Society (for the millionth time)